Team Unicorn featured on G4’s “Top 100 Video Games” June 11-15th

G4 TV is debuting a week-long special all about the Top 100 Video Games of All Time starting June 11th and running til the 15th (8pm PST). Team Unicorn was asked to come in and talk about all the random games that we were obsessed with while growing up. I was shocked at how many games from childhood I had forgotten about that I had LOVED (Burger Time!). Also more than likely got a little too excited talking about current favorites like Mass Effect and Gears of War.


Here’s an example of the little snippets from the video. I’m ACTUALLY talking about Silent Hill here, but it definitely works for Silent Hill 2 as well. ;)

Go check out me and the rest of Team Unicorn all this week on G4 alongside every possible celeb you can think of. We’re all gamers at heart people, don’t try and deny it. ;)

One comment on “Team Unicorn featured on G4’s “Top 100 Video Games” June 11-15th

  1. What’s up with tech oriented channels not putting their videos online? G4 and Discovery, I’m looking at you.

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