Michele Boyd

[actor + geek]

SOLO the Series, Episode 3!

First of all, a full Comic Con 2010 related post is forthcoming, with info on all the panels/signings and such that I’ll be attending in between attempts to NOT squeal like a fan girl at all the neat stuff they have this year. However, I’m currently in the process of …[read more]

Tubefilter Reviews SOLO the Series!

Logan Rapp over at TubeFilter News has written up a wonderful review of my latest webseries “SOLO the Series”. Some of my favorite snippets from the article: “…The show is shot very well – and very simply. A web series doesn’t have to prove itself by making as many trick …[read more]

The Web Files covers SOLO the Series Premiere Party!

Web Files’ host, Kristyn Burtt, volunteers for a singular mission: to interview as many of the cast and crew as possible of Jonathan Nail’s upcoming sci-fi comedy web series, SOLO, at their red carpet premiere. Mission accomplished! This is the latest web series I’m involved with with my dear friend …[read more]