Michele Boyd

[actor + geek]

Giving advice to Jenna Coleman about San Diego Comic-Con

BBC America celebrated 50 years of Doctor Who at this year’s San Diego Comic Con by asking Whovians advice about surviving. They caught my sister and I eyeing the BBC America merchandise and grabbed us for our take on the matter. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28yxL9OPzPs

Comic-Con 2010!

Greetings Nerd-dom, our festival has arrived. I will be leaving in a few short hours, suitcase and garment bag in hand, to head down to Comic Con! I’m truly psyched for this year. Most of my close friends are going to be down there for their various panels, The Guild’s …[read more]

SOLO the Series, Episode 3!

First of all, a full Comic Con 2010 related post is forthcoming, with info on all the panels/signings and such that I’ll be attending in between attempts to NOT squeal like a fan girl at all the neat stuff they have this year. However, I’m currently in the process of …[read more]