When I heard Felicia Day was getting her own YouTube Channel entitled ‘Geek and Sundry‘, I smiled with joy. When I heard Wil Wheaton was getting a show called ‘TableTop‘ all about tabletop gaming, I squealed with glee. When they asked me to come on TableTop as a guest, I danced a full on jig of jubilance and made noises that only occur in bat-hearing range.
We played Gloom (an AWESOME game) and I got to play alongside Amber Benson (from Buffy the Vampire Slayer) and Meghan Camarena (Strawburry17 on Twitter and Youtube). Fabulousness is below and you should definitely check out the game on Amazon! (Go buy it! It’s fantastical frivolity come to fruition! We used a lot of alliteration while playing the game!
They also released a gag reel (Want to hear me sing ridiculously over-dramatically? ENJOY!!)!