Penny Dreadfuls, Ep. 2 on – “Sleeping Beauty”

“Penny Dreadfuls”, a twisted webseries airing on, has posted my episode entitled “Sleeping Beauty”

Penny Dreadfuls -

Check out this tweaked version of a fairy-tale over at It was delightfully creepy to work on!

Penny Dreadfuls, Ep. 2 – “Sleeping Beauty”

8 comments on “Penny Dreadfuls, Ep. 2 on – “Sleeping Beauty”

  1. d0000d…

    i love the flooring!


    you all keep looking at me like that.

    creeps me out…

    and uh. hey dani ..


  2. Funny aside to this, once, while my girl was in the shower, I called 911 to report a disturbance outside our apartment, but as they answered, these kids I was calling about ran off. So I said, “Nevermind, it’s OK now” and hung up. Well, not five minutes later two cops were pounding on my door and absolutely would not leave until my girl got out of the shower, dripping wet in nothing but a towel and presented herself so they knew she was alright. I never even gave my address. True Story.
    So that kinda kills the premise for me.
    Real creepy though, I’d watch more, just to see tall hot girl kick his a@@ ! :>)

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