Team Unicorn

I’m essentially just going to copy and paste what I’ve written on Facebook regarding my former production partners Team Unicorn because I want to simply address the situation and move on. I originally wrote a comment on an article the girls had shared on their Facebook page because I was seeing a lot of “Where’s Michele?” comments and was unhappy about the lack of official communication. (A screenshot of their posting is below; it appears that all of the comments asking about me have since been deleted from their Facebook page, including mine)

Screenshot 2014-03-11

In any case, Team Unicorn informed me they’d be moving forward with projects without me back in 2013. They didn’t feel they should make any announcement about this decision until …well, I’m not entirely sure when. I tried to respect that decision as long as I could but I’m just too tired of seeing these misleading posts with no explanation to fans. It does kind of break my heart to see articles like this that simply pretend I was never a part of the group, but I wish the three girls all the best. There truly are no hard feelings on my part towards anyone; there had always been some creative conflicts and I’m saddened they didn’t feel we could work past them. I wanted to leave the announcement to the group but I simply felt things had gotten too strange  not to address.

Thank you everyone for all the support. I’m still really excited to see what comes next from Team Unicorn, they’re incredibly creative and enthusiastic about the geek community. I still consider myself a Unicorn at heart, and of COURSE I love all the Unicorn fans, you guys are the best.  I’m also SUPER excited about all the new projects I’m working on (Geek CredPenny Horrors! Pilot season!)

You can see my full posting on my Facebook page (come say hi! ) here:

14 comments on “Team Unicorn

  1. I’m really sorry to hear about this. You were always my favorite Unicorn. I met you and the rest of Team Unicorn back in 2012 at a signing at SDCC. My girlfriend actually crotcheted little dolls for y’all. You’re super talented Michele and I look for ward to seeing more of Geek Cred! Best of luck!

  2. Does answer some questions, am glad there’s no hard feelings but it’s a shame it went weird. Am really looking forward to Penny Horrors, as participated in the crowd funding and was so pleased to see it picked up after falling short of target. Is there any more Game Changers on the way?

  3. I am sry to hear that u are no longer a member of TU. I really enjoyed the video that yall made about the Zombies. And when ever I can, at Cons I tell ppl especially Ladies and girls about TU, hoping that they will see a light at the end of their tunnel.

  4. As sad as I am that you won’t be collaborating, what bothers me most is the way that they’ve tried to quietly erase you from TU history. Your bio, your pictures from TU events; it’s like we’re supposed to pretend there never was a fourth Unicorn. TU is supposed to be about setting a new standard of awesome, but real fans need to speak up and acknowledge that nothing about they way they’ve handled your departure has been awesome. :(

  5. Finally this gets addressed. Agree with Softly 100%. What a drag, but can’t wait to see what is up next for you.

  6. It’s like looking the blue lion to Voltron or if George Harrison leaving the fab four :(
    Will definitely lol forward to seeing what you do next but still sad about what might have been. You were my favorite.

  7. I had a feeling that something was happening, mostly just due to a lack of any mention of you and also because in all the photos that the girls have posted recently, you’ve never been in any. I am truely sorry that they parted ways with you, the team will definitely not be the same without you in it. *gives ya a big hug* take care and stay safe :)

  8. Bigger and better things lay ahead for you my one-time web-video daughter!


  9. I’ve been wondering what happened since I saw the new photos with Alison.

    I’m glad there’s no hard feelings but she’ll never be you and I’m sad that I won’t see your lovely face with the other gals.

  10. Thats a damn shame, I understood all of you met through Rileah? Im sure whatever happened must’ve made everyone uncomfortable. Not to sound like a dick, but Allisons height made it not feel the same, about the size of Team Unicorn. I dont mean that negatively. Allison Haislip is a wonderful actress that I enjoy watching on G4, and I even watched a ghost hunting show with her as a guest star with Dichen Lachman and she did a great job.

    Anyway, your height just made it look more appealing to me. Would it count out Treebeard as an epic hero? Fuck no.For Team Unicorn, you are an Entwife. Tall and beautiful, with hair moving in the wind like a willow tree.

    sometimes life takes you through these kinds of situations. And look, now you got a new show. In the end, everyone continues with their lives and move on. At least you stated your thoughts on the matter. Best of luck to all Unicorns.

  11. I’m sorry about what happened. I thought you four were great together, funny and entertaining. And, at least on camera, all four of you seemed to mesh well together. Maybe someone outside of the creation process for your show should have toldall of you that before everything went haywire. Someone you could all trust who would be judicially fair and balanced. A friend or co-worker who knew all of you, perhaps. I hope you, and the other girls too, find opportunity, success, and happiness in abundance in the future.
    I have nothing against Alison Haislip. I don’t know anything about her. She might be great too. But I don’t understand why they made the decision they did, at least concerning you. Obviously, off camera, it was felt there were problems that warranted this action. But I think it was a mistake to go this route. They were better with you. I don’t understand why problems couldn’t be resolved and you could stay on. Even now, why couldn’t you be brought back and there be five unicorns? Everyone keeps their jobs. Everybody wins. But I’ve already answered my question(s), haven’t I? I and everyone else doesn’t understand what happen because we don’t know what happen off camera. Again, obviously. Still, I think it is a bad decision.
    You girls made me laugh and forget my troubles, if but for a short while, in a time of darkness of my life. Thank you for that. I don’t think I’ll watch the show nor follow Team Unicorn anymore, though. This kind of ruined it for me. I know all of these videos were a show and an act put on by you four girls. But this unmasked something of real life that makes me question the whole idea of Team Unicorn: “Was it just about money?” I am not naive about life. I know money is important. But I hope this wasn’t the deciding factor. There are things in this world that matter so much infinitely more, such as how we are towards others, and so on. I hope that the decision to remove you wasn’t because of this. If it wasn’t and was due to something else such as personal indifferences, I hope it wasn’t for foolish reasons. Whatever the reason(s), I hope everything works out for all of you. From someone who is your age and enjoyed your work, thank you for entertaining me. So long and good luck.

  12. I’m slow on the catch up. Only noticed when I didn’t see you in the ‘all about the base’ video. I’m with a number of others here in that you were my favourite unicorn and I only started following the unicorns because of recognising you from The Guild.
    It’s a shame but I wish The Guilds “stupid tall hot chick” all the best :)

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