Michele Boyd

[actor + geek]

Coming soon….”Geek Cred”!

  Already a wonderful write-up from http://nerdreactor.com about my new webseries “Geek Cred”! I’ll be writing more about this soon, but for now, Check it out: Sports fans have The League, gamers have The Guild, and office workers have…The Office. But what about the comic book fan? There will be an Indiegogo …[read more]

It’s not dead yet!

Oof! We got so close! I do have to say, I’m pretty impressed and so appreciative that we managed to raise over $16,000 in less than a month!! You guys are amazing, and I can’t begin to say how thankful I am for everyone’s support, even if we didn’t reach …[read more]

“Penny Horrors” Kickstarter is now LIVE!

I am incredibly excited about this.  I just launched a Kickstarter to fund a series of horror shorts that I am basing off this thread from Reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1iwylh/what_is_the_best_horror_story_you_can_come_up/ Essentially they asked readers to submit their two-sentence scary stories, and man did the interwebs oblige. I was incredibly creeped out by reading …[read more]