So happy to have my episode of NCIS: “Silent Service” airing on CBS TONIGHT, March 26th! It is episode 17 of NCIS’s 16th season!
When I first lived in Los Angeles, I worked as background talent on a ton of different shows, including NCIS. Aside from having the best craft service (most important thing, duh), everyone was incredibly nice, including Mark Harmon. I remember one day we were both standing off to the side waiting for cameras to set up and he chatted with me, asking me what I wanted to do in LA. I naturally and bashfully replied I wanted to act, and he replied, “I bet I’ll see you back on this show. Good luck.”

It has always been a goal in the back of my mind to prove him right, and I was so incredibly thrilled when I got the chance to do so on this episode “Silent Service,” and not just as an actor, but as a top of show guest star actor. Mark was just as kind when I relayed the story to him, and just told me to “Pay it forward.” So to every actor out there starting out, working toward your goal, it does happen. Keep working. Know that I’m rooting for you. 👍🏻💖 #WhatWouldMarkHarmonDo