I along with my lovely Team Unicorn cohorts appeared on NBC’s “The Winner Is” as guest experts deciding who moves forward in a multi-round singing competition. Appearing on Episode 4 that premiered July 18th, we along with a other guests determine who “won” each round. The number of votes is shown, but the contestants aren’t shown who got which result. They can then “bet” either for or against themselves as to whether they think they won the round. If they believe they didn’t, they can take a cash prize home with them as consolation. A really good concept to combine singing competition and game show, plus we all get to experience some amazing singing talent!
It was a little intimidating to have such a direct effect on whether these talented and brave performers would move forward in a competition that meant so much to them, but I was happy to be a part of it!!! Thanks NBC for having us!
You can also watch the FULL EPISODE here: